If you have been placed in the position of needing to plan a funeral, you have also found yourself dealing with the cost of it all. The cost of the funeral services can be somewhat hard to handle unless there was a large life insurance policy to cover the expense. If you have to handle the cost on your own, then you are going to want to consider making use of the following tips.
Consider The Option Of Cremation
There are a lot of people that just automatically assume that a standard burial is the way to go, never giving cremation a second thought. However, if the final wishes of your deceased loved one did not specify anything and there are not any religious barriers, you might want to consider cremation as an option. After all, it is the more affordable option, saving you potentially thousands of dollars.
Skip The Expensive Casket
If you decide that burial is the option you want for your loved one, then you might want to at least pick one of the more affordable caskets. There is no reason to purchase the most expensive one when you have to work within a budget.
Limit The Viewings To One Day
Even if you are suspecting that there is going to be a lot of friends and family coming in to pay their final respects to your loved one, you can limit the viewings to one day in order to save money. The more days you reserve for viewings, the more you have to pay. If you need extra viewing times, see about renting the viewing room for one full day so you can have a late morning and an evening viewing.
Ask For Monetary Donations Instead Of Flowers
There are a lot of people that will have flowers sent to the funeral home, especially if they are not able to go pay their final respects in person. If you are having a hard time covering everything, you might want to ask that in lieu of flowers, people make a monetary donation to help cover the cost of the funeral expenses. The donations can be made directly to the funeral home.
With those tips, you should find that it is going to be a lot easier for you to be able to afford the funeral that you have to put together for your loved one and for all of those who will attend.